An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is valid for 10 years and shows you how energy efficient a home is. It's key to buying, selling or renting a property.
Your EPC will have two main charts with the rating bands. The bands go from A to G, with A being the best rating your home can have, and G being the worst.
The numbers in each rating reflect the government's Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) and go from 1 to 100 SAP points. These scores are divided into bands as follows:
EPC rating A = 92-100 SAP points (most efficient)
EPC rating B = 81-91 SAP points
EPC rating C = 69-80 SAP points
EPC rating D = 55-68 SAP points
EPC rating E = 39-54 SAP points
EPC rating F = 21-38 SAP points
EPC rating G = 1-20 SAP points (least efficient)
Who needs an EPC?
If you’re buying or renting, it’s a legal requirement for the seller or landlord to arrange for an EPC. Do make sure that you - as the buyer or tenant - see and understand the certificate. The rating can impact how much your new home will cost. And if you're renting you know what to expect from energy bills plus the EPC must not be below E.
How to get a new EPC?
Contact us today and we will begin the process with you.