New Chapter

We are pleased to inform you that the name of our company will be changing from Colin Laver Heating Ltd to Laver Group Ltd with effect from 13th September 2021. The change in name is the result of continual development within the business. Our company, VAT and bank account number’s will be remaining the same.
We will ensure that the required rebranding will not affect any of the services we are currently providing. However, from 13th September 2021, we will be using the new company name for all official purposes.
Effective from this date our email addresses will be changing to, but to ensure continuity of service we will still be monitoring
Why are we changing our Name?
You know us as Colin Laver Heating and we’ve been working within the heating industry for over 40 years. When we started our journey as a company it was a perfect fit.
But since then, we’ve become so much more than just a heating company. Our range of services have grown and so have we as a company. After 40 years plus, it feels like this is the time to change.
Does this mean you’re changing?
Absolutely not.
We haven’t been bought out. We’re not going through a radical transformation. We’re the same legal entity. We aren’t changing what we do and we aren’t changing how we do business.
We’re still the same helpful team of knowledgeable people, giving you the same expert service and the same support, we’ve always provided. We’ve just had a little makeover and Laver Group is the next evolution of who we are.