Contact Us

All Enquiries Welcome

Registered Office Address: Riverside Buildings, Nile Road, Pontypridd, CF37 1BW Company No.: 01572590

Opening Hours

Main Line: 01443 404516

Repair Center - 01443 407218

Monday to Friday - 08:30 to 17:00

Saturday Out of Hours Service Only

Sunday Out of Hours Service Only


Press & Media




We take complaints about our work, staff and levels of service very seriously. If you are not satisfied, please follow the process for raising a formal complaint.

Write to:

Complaints Manager
Laver Group Ltd
Riverside Buildings
Nile Road, Pontypridd
CF37 1BW


01443 404516


Client Satisfaction

Through excellent planning, employing quality people, and a dedication to innovation and value engineering we aim to understand, meet and surpass the needs and expectations of our clients and stakeholders. At Laver Group Ltd we view sustainability in construction as part of our business, and integrating socially responsible behaviour into our core values is a fundamental principle.

When you’ve made your complaint, we will:

  • Send an email to let you know that we’ve received it (as long as you’ve provided a valid email address)
  • Investigate your complaint (looking at whether your questions were answered, whether you suffered any injustice or hardship, and what remedy would be fair and proportionate in the circumstances)

What to do If you’re not satisfied

Alternative Dispute Resolution
Where we cannot resolve any complaints using our own complaints procedure, as a Which? Trusted trader we use Dispute Resolution Ombudsman for dispute resolution. In the unlikely event of a complaint arising and you wish to refer the complaint to them please contact 0333 241 3209 or via their website

Corporate Duty

Ready to Go Green?
Switch to Smart.

Charitable Donations
Fully Responsive Service
Completed Community Projects
Invested in Apprenticeships

Registered Office Address:

Riverside Buildings,
Nile Road, Pontypridd,
CF37 1BW

Company No.: 01572590

Main No.: 01443 404 516 Repairs Hub: 01443 407218